Otitis Media
Guidelines App

Free, fast and offline access to best practice recommendations in diagnosis and management of Otitis Media in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Assisting you to prevent the life-long impacts that undetected Otitis Media and hearing loss have on these high-risk children.

Otitis Media Guidelines App
We’re funded by NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Ear and Hearing Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children

Treat Otitis Media to prevent disadvantage

All forms of Otitis Media cause some level of hearing loss. If hearing loss persists it can cause social isolation with life-long impacts on communication, listening and understanding.

Chronic otitis media and hearing loss increases a child’s vulnerability on entering school ,school attendance , and performance .

Children with hearing loss are more likely to experience child maltreatment.

How does the app work?

Diagnosis and Management

Walk-through algorithms to assist with clinical decision making for all types of Otitis Media with links to the evidence.

How does the app work?

Communication Tool

Audio recordings in multiple Aboriginal languages to assist the caregivers’ understanding of messages and instructions regarding their child’s ear health and hearing needs.

How does the app work?

Educational Resources

Pneumatic otoscopy videos and a quiz for Doctors. Cartoons to explain hearing loss simulation, how the ear works, how infections can be prevented, and understanding referral pathways.

How does the app work?


Evidence summaries for all prevention and treatment strategies, recommendations and their strength, quality and confidence, effect size, overall benefit, “what happens” PICOT statements, and links to GRADEpro summary of findings tables.

See the Peer-reviewed Summary published in the Medical Journal of Australia .

How to use the app yourself

The Otitis Media Guidelines app has been designed in an intuitive way for easy use in the clinic. For more information watch the quick introductory walk-through video.


Other ways to access the Otitis Media Guidelines